About Heav'n Sent Acers

We sincerely Love and have been around animals all our lives.

About Us Our History.

Hello there, we are Steve and Naomi owners of Heav’n Sent Acres.

I (Naomi) Grew up on an 80 acre farm in Ohio. Helped with the Milking morning and evening till I got an office job in a furniture finishing shop. I would help with the field work as time allowed. Love the outdoors and animals and walking in the woods. Seemed like I had something missing in my life and I did not know what it was till the fall of ’99 at the age of seventeen. I was taking a walk through our woods and very miserable. I wanted the peace that I could feel and the Joy I could sense, But how? I remembered the Bible lesson I was allowed to do at the age of 15 from the mailbox club. It had a question, Are you Saved? Have you ever trusted Jesus Christ as your own personal savior? NO I never
had done that . I new I was a sinner, I knew I had to ask Jesus to forgive me. But how? I just knelt right there by the stream in the woods and cried , I didn’t say much, I remember praying asking God to forgive me of my sins and thanked Him for dying on cross of Calvary. I wanted to serve Him. I had a peace in my heart that only God can give. Have you trusted Jesus as your personal savior? Being the young lady I was I always wanted a Toy Poodle puppy. But never got one till I was 35 and Married . We got a Toy Poodle puppy and named her Amber. She has definitely brought much Joy into my life.

I (Steve) grew up on a 30 acre farmette in Indiana. Always have liked the outdoors and livestock. Done some farming with horses in my growing up years . I than bought a truck and trailer to haul livestock. Sold that and got a semi to haul Amish furniture. Which gives you a LOT of alone time driving down the road, and thinking. I would think of Heaven and Hell, knowing the life I was living wouldn’t be going to Heaven. I would receive and read Gospel tracts I got at truck stops along the way. One Monday night in October while driving through Chicago on 294 I came to the end of myself. I pulled my rig to the side of the road, stooped and went to the back in my sleeper bed and knelt and prayed to God and asked him to save me. Hallelujah what a Savior! He saved a wretch like me! Have you trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? My life had changed , my business changed . Met my beautiful wife and got married at the age of 30. We both knew we would like to maybe someday own more land and have some animals. So we began to pray and seek the Lord’s will in our lives. God closed many doors in purchasing land, till one day, one phone call from an uncle we were able to purchase our twenty acres. We decided to use it and raise Red Devon beef cows and Toy Poodles. We look forward to meeting new people and sharing all the great things God has done for us. To God Be the Glory! Thus Heav’n Sent Acres established in 2020.

Red Devon Cattle

About our beef cows

Did You Know?
The Red Devon originated from the cool wet climate of England? In 1623 the ship
Charity brought the first purebred to America; Consisting of 3-Red Devon heifers
and 1-bull. The original Devon was used for Beef, Milk, and Oxen. Devons also
have the thickest hides of any cattle in the world. Which means they have a better
resistance to external parasites and tolerate weather changes and extremes of
temperature. The Red Devon is hardy and does well in North East Indiana. The Red
Devons are famous for producing Gourmet Quality beef on grass. They are docile
in nature. Easy to handle and generally quiet animals.

Does it Really Matter what cows eat?
YES, it matters for your health. Here are a few Reasons why grass-fed beef is better for you (and the cows) than factory farmed beef is. Grass fed cows can walk away after pooping. They’re not subject to the level off filth & germs that conventionally raised cows are. Grass fed Beef is a nutritious. It has a healthier balance of fatty acids than grain-fed meats have. Grass-fed and grass finished meaning the animal was fed grass for their entire life span, which produces meat with higher levels of Omega 3s and higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than grain-fed. Grass-fed meat also has a higher level of Carotenoids, which makes the fat appear more yellow. More carotenoids, means more antioxidants and nutrients. BONUS: More Flavor!

If you taste grass-fed beef alongside conventionally raised beef, you’ll notice a
difference. Factory beef doesn’t have the flavor complexity that high quality grass-
fed beef has. Rotational grazing helps with the quality of meat as well. Reason:
More new grass, more regularly, more tastier meats. If you haven’t made the
switch, start now. Grass-fed beef is an all-around better experience for your taste
buds, for the cows, and for your body.